In the wake of Odysseus’ ship, he follows the venturesome
voyage, trying to identify the various stopovers of the king of Ithaca,
in close contact to the Homeric text. So, Aeolus’ island is Majorca,
Circe’s Aeaea island, Madeira [H. Mertz], Sirens’ island one of the
Caribbean islands, Sun’s island Thrinacia, Puerto Rico, Skylla and
Charybdis’ passage, Sobrero Passage. Then Calypso’s isle Ogygia, Bermuda
and the Phoeacians’ land southwest Iberia, with Alcinoos’ palace in
Lisbon of Portugal, the ancient town of Odyssey [Strabo].
The author, in quest of convincing answers to old questions, reveals
that the long sought river Eridanus, is actually a sea current, the Gulf
Stream, and that the ancient Greek seamen called the Labrador Current,
the reverse going current, river Alpheus. Scotland was called Caledonia,
from the province adjacent to Delphi, Caledonia, and the sea around
Britain Caledonian Ocean. Incidentally, the first temple of Delphi was
founded in the 31st millennium BC. Atlas and Caucasus mountain-ranges,
due to the sphericity of the Earth were thought to be one, the Andes
mountains of South America. Ancient Syene, today Aswan on the Nile, was
founded by the Greeks, first administrators of Egypt, to mark the Tropic
of Cancer. The cognition of the Tropic circles, testifies that Ortygia
island, birth place of the twins Apollon and Artemis, is Caribbean
island Cuba. [Odyssey xv-403]
A book written with scientific truth as a corner-stone for those with an
interest in Prehistory, aiming towards a complete overthrow of the
anthellenic theories, mostly based on fabricated falsehoods, concerning
the Alphabet, Writing, the Origin of Sciences and the Extraction of the
Now the views on the earliest Americans, long taught in U.S. schools and
enshrined in popular books, may be inaccurate. Ancient campsites as
Cactus Hill, Va., 18,000 years old, and Meadow-croft, Pa., 17,000 years
old, predates the accepted timing for the opening of that crucial
ice-free corridor across the Bering Sea 12,000 years ago, and bolsters
the theory that the earliest Americans came by sea, possibly across the
Atlantic rather than from Asia. [Time, April 17, 2000]. So, some
archaeologists propose that the first people to reach the Americas
worked their way across the Atlantic from the Iberian Peninsula
about17,000 to 18,000 years ago. But has anybody ever heard of “Iberian
sailors” BC, unless one refers to Heracles who errected the two Pillars
at the entrance to the Mediterannean, and to the Hellenes magistrates of
the country, who gave names to the mountains [Pyrenees], rivers
[Ebro=Hebrus, Guadalquivir= Tar-tessus, Guadiana=Anas, Tagus,
Douro=Dourios], capes [Finisterre=Finisterion], towns [Gadiz=Tartes-sus,
Lisbon, a corruption of the Roman name Ulysses of Odysseus, and even to
the peninsula itself?
Για αγορά του βιβλίου πατήστε εδώ...
Οδύσσεια Μια ναυτική εποποιϊα προϊστορικών Ελλήνων εις την Αμερικήν |
Συγγραφέας: Ζίγκφριντ Πετρίδης |
Εκδότης: Του Ιδίου / Της ιδίας/ Των ιδίων |
Αριθμός Σελίδων: 256 |
Έτος Έκδοσης: 01-1994 |
Τιμή 25,00€ |
Αντικείμενον του παρόντος βιβλίου είναι η υποστήριξις της
θέσεως ότι ο Οδυσσεύς κατά τας 10ετείς περιπλανήσεις του, εξήλθεν της
Μεσογείου διαπλεύσας τον Ατλαντικόν ωκεανόν δίς πρίν η επιστρέψει εις
την Ιθάκην.
Είναι, λοιπόν, ο πρώτος όστις έθεσεν πόδα επί της νέας ηπείρου; Όχι,
διότι πρό αυτού και ο Ιάσων κατά την Αργοναυτικήν εκστρατείαν και ο
Ηρακλής καθ’ όν χρό΄νον επετέλει τους τελευταίους άθλους του, αλλά και ο
Περσεύς κατά τον φόνον της Μεδούσης είχον προηγηθεί. Οι Έλληνες όμως,
ως Φυλή, διεκδικούν τα εν προκειμένω πρωτεία και μάλιστα άνευ αντιπάλου.
Από την εισαγωγή του βιβλίου. |
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